It’s a few days before Christmas, when an emergency helicopter airlifts a very young boy from home, and flies him to the Intensive Care Unit of a large Californian hospital.
He has contracted the E. coli virus, causing his kidneys to stop functioning. He desperately needs dialysis and multiple blood transfusions.
His life is in the balance.
Warning his parents to anticipate the worst, the doctors advise the boy’s parents that their son is currently in a critical, life-threatening condition.
The boy’s parents respond by reaching out to their church community for prayer and support. Word soon spreads, and the spiritual battle begins for the young boy’s life.
A couple of weeks into the fight, the boy’s father sends out a desperate text, late one evening. It announces simply that their son may not make it through the night.
One of those receiving this text is world-renowned Christian singer, songwriter and worship leader, Jonathan David Helser, whose powerful back story I have told elsewhere on this blog.
“As soon as I got that text, I felt like this giant of unbelief stood in front of me,” he is recorded as saying. “I thought, ‘Jaxon’s going to die tonight. We’re not going to see the miracle.’”
Processing and responding to the news, Jonathan and his wife Melissa, turn to prayer and worship. As they do so, something indescribable happens. Both of them spontaneously start to sing a new song, its powerful lyrics declaring defeat of the giant of unbelief:
Sending a recording to the young boy’s parents, they repeatedly play it over him, while he lies sick in his hospital bed.
A couple of weeks into the new year, and much to the surprise of the medical team, Jaxon is declared fully fit, completely well, and discharged from hospital.
His parents are convinced that prayer and worship have played a significant part in his healing.
“In the battle for Jaxon’s life, the global church community rose up like a mighty army and joined us in prayer and worship all over the world,” his father is recorded as saying, “Our son was miraculously healed and, today, he is perfectly healthy.”
The story behind the song, “Raise a Hallelujah,” is explained by Jonathan Helser, in this live recording Or if you would prefer, you can read a written version here. Both will be well worth your time.
Image by David Mark from Pixabay
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