Until recently, I never really understood why it mattered that I cultivated an attitude of gratitude. But then I started meditating on a beautiful verse of Scripture, which…
It’s not often that we get to witness multiple miracles within a short time span. But that’s what happened to me, over the course of two evenings, about…
For the past fortnight, Christian media channels, both mainstream and social, have been brimming with news of a revival at Asbury University, a Christian education establishment, based in…
This Advent season, I have been re-reading the accounts of the very first Christmas, recorded in the Gospels. Many aspects of the story are familiar. But one thing…
I have been invited to speak to an inter-church group, who have gathered together in their local village hall.Feeling nervous and unsure about what to expect, a few…
At the end of each month this year, I am writing a ‘thought for the month’, and you will find them here. This one is December’s, and it’s coming…
I have written elsewhere on this blog about the powerful worship song, which Jonathan and Melissa Helser wrote, during the battle for the life of a two-year-old American…
This week has seen the passing of a little known anniversary. It was on 22 November 1873, when the French passenger ship, the Ville du Havre, sank in…
I love discovering the stories behind my favourite worship songs. So I was delighted to stumble across the story of how Bethel Music’s ‘Goodness of God’ came to…
I recently stumbled upon a reflection, written by a stranger, from a secular perspective, which I found really helpful: “We are all in the same storm,” the…