About the book, “Light Through the Cracks”
Strictly speaking, I could be dead.
In August 1999, while on holiday in the USA, the car I was in plunged over the edge of a mountain road. It hurtled into pitch black darkness, down about 50 metres – until it crashed to a stop, flipped, and ended on its roof. Upside down and held in by my seatbelt, I had fractured my spine in two places.
Put simply: God saved my life.
In the aftermath, my friends and family urged me to write down the details, just in case, one day, I might want to include them in a book.
How insightful they were!
The story of what happened to me is one of the ten true stories contained in my book, “Light through the Cracks: How God breaks in when life turns tough“.
The stories in the book are united by a common theme. They all reveal God breaking into some very dark and difficult situations, bringing, “light through the cracks”.
Whether it is cancer disappearing without trace; a man defying death, multiple times following life-threatening injuries incurred in a head-on road collision; a baby born prematurely, only to confound the medical predictions about his prognosis; cash appearing out of nowhere to keep a church from closing; or a teenager seeing her long-term debilitating illness disappear in an instant, these and all the other stories in this book are ones that need to be told.
They are stories of ordinary people encountering God in extraordinary ways – sometimes miraculously, other times in the seemingly mundane – witnessing him heal, deliver, provide and protect, in the midst of truly tough times.
“Light through the Cracks: How God Breaks In When Life Turns Tough” was officially released by Malcolm Down Publishing in November 2021, and has quickly become an Amazon #1 best seller in the Christian Miracles category of books. It is available from all good bookstores, but signed copies can only be bought through the online shop on this site.
In ‘Light through the Cracks’, Joanna primes the pump of our expectation for the supernatural to invade our everyday lives … We are left in no doubt that the God of miracles is here. Right now. In the West. Powerfully at work … This is a book to read and recommend, so that many more people can experience how life’s unwelcome ‘suddenlies’ can be transformed into moments of deep encounter with the God of hope.
– Helen Azer – international teacher, pastor and Director of Ministry with Heartcry for Change