A few weeks ago, a British-based Australian friend invited me to join her at a meeting being led by an Australian evangelist, not too far from where I live.
“He’s got an incredible testimony of healing from an aggressive type of skin cancer,” she told me. “Strictly speaking, he should have died nine years ago.”
My interest was piqued, I agreed to go, and what followed was an utterly incredible evening. It deserves an entirely separate blog post, so there will be more on that another time. For now, I just want to focus on the story of healing from Stage 4 Melanoma.
Mark Hemans is an unassuming Australian who, for many years, pastored a church. He was later led by the Lord into an itinerant ministry, with an incredible anointing for healing and deliverance, although he is primarily a preacher and an evangelist.
In 2012, Mark was diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma Skin Cancer. As a bald man, it seemed the cancer had started on his scalp, before spreading to his neck, and then into his lung, chest and adrenal gland.
Within two years, he was told he was close to death and there was no cure. The only option available was palliative care.
One day, sitting on the back porch of his house, looking out over the Australian bush, he had a vision of some of his late relatives, waiting for him in heaven, and he sensed that his time on earth could be drawing to a close.
But that same day, he made a choice. He chose to believe that Jesus would heal him.
“I meditated on the promises of God for healing, and declared them,” he says. “I spiritually separated myself from people who didn’t believe Jesus would heal me.”
Breakthrough ultimately came with repentance and confession. He repented before the Lord, confessed his sins to his stepfather, and contacted every person he had ever hurt, asking for their forgiveness.
“It was then I felt clean,” he says .”It was like pure joy.”
From that moment on, his healing began. He was delivered from a spirit of sickness. He vomited out demonic poisons. The demonic attacks stopped. The cancerous tumours stopped growing.
When his oncology consultant told him he was completely healed, and no longer needed to come back for check-ups, Mark knew that Jesus had healed him.
“I give Jesus Christ all the glory, all the honour and all the praise for my healing,” he says. “Jesus is faithful to his word. Lives are changed by an encounter with Jesus.”
You can watch Mark share his story (recorded in 2021) here:
Have you, or one of your loved ones, ever received a diagnosis that you would rather not have had? If so, how did you respond? Was it in fear, or in faith?
If this is you, why don’t you follow Mark’s example? I would like to suggest two ways in which you can do this.
Firstly, the Bible is full of promises from God. Perhaps one or more of these could apply to you? Why don’t you ask Jesus to guide you, as you open the Scriptures, and seek him for an insight into your situation?
Secondly, the sin in our lives needs to be rooted out. So why don’t you spend some time, repenting before the Lord, confessing your sins to someone you trust, and contacting those who you have hurt, to ask them for their forgiveness?
Imagine what could follow!
As ever, constructive comments are welcome below.
Image from Geralt via Pixabay
Thanks for sharing this with us! Forgiveness is such a VITAL key to the healing of our hearts and bodies through Jesus Christ, and Mark’s story is testament to that, and God has now anointed him with the Holy Spirit to heal others! The Lord tells us in Matthew 6:15 that if we do not forgive others then our heavenly Father will not forgive us. Mark’s story really speaks to our need of a pure heart (a heart that is clean and free and right before the Lord) in order for the Holy Spirit to flow through us. Wow! This has been an ongoing journey for me since my salvation 10 years ago. I was harbouring so much unforgiveness towards others, and feeling justified about it. But what this did was to leave the door open for the “accuser” to keep me in a place of constant condemnation, sickness and a dampening of my Holy Spirit fire. I had lost the desire to share the Gospel! As I began to choose to forgive, it has happened with the help of the Lord, in layers, over time. I am growing in the knowledge of how much God really loves me, and how much I’ve been forgiven, and as that reality permeates my soul and heals my heart, I can see others as God sees them, through His eyes of compassion. As this journey unfolds, my physical healing is also unfolding. Praise God! I believe also that as the Lord perfects this forgiveness journey in me, that the Holy Spirit will be free to use me in a more profound and powerful way.
Wow Nina! This is such a powerful testimony of the power of forgiveness in bringing healing, as well as the dangers and repercussions of unforgiveness. What a blessing to have your Holy Spirit zeal reignited in this way. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
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