I was chatting recently with a former colleague, when he made an interesting observation.

“We’re part of a unique generation,” he said, before elaborating on what he meant. “Those of us who were born before 1985 are a dying breed of people,” he explained. “It’s because we’ve experienced what life is like, both with, and without, the Internet.”

He had a point.

Like my former colleague, I grew up in a very different world to the world of today. It was a world with finite forms of entertainment, limited channels of communication, news coverage that was only broadcast at pre-determined times, and a lot less polarisation between people holding opposite opinions.

It was also a world where people had to be true to their word when making a commitment. We couldn’t just cancel on a whim at the last minute. Texting hadn’t been invented.


During this past month, a series of unexpected disappointments have been thrown in my direction. Several of them have involved last minute cancellations, mostly sent by text. But I’ve also had a few hopes dashed.

So while each person involved has had a valid reason for letting me down, they haven’t been aware of everyone else who’s been doing the same, and the cumulative effect has been disappointment.

My response, as ever, has been to take it to the Lord in prayer.

“Why Lord?” I’ve been asking, “Why so much disappointment in such quick succession?”

In response, I’ve been hearing his gentle whisper simply saying, “Those who trust me will not be disappointed.”

It’s a statement that’s packed with meaning, and it’s been ministering to my spirit in recent weeks, as I’ve been meditating on it. So I thought I’d share it here as my ‘thought for the month’ for May.


When I looked it up in the Bible, I was surprised to find it in three places – 1 Peter 2:6, Romans 9:33, and Romans 10: 11 – where we read: “Whoever believes in Him [whoever adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] will not be disappointed [in his expectations].”

Each of these verses is speaking of believing in – or trusting – Jesus.

It’s saying, “Those who trust Jesus will not be disappointed.”

Or to put it the other way around, “Those who don’t trust Jesus will be disappointed.”

That’s quite something, isn’t it?

As a writer, and a wordsmith, the thing I find interesting is the tenses that are being used. “Those who trust the Lord” is present tense; it’s about “trusting” in an ongoing sense. But “will not be disappointed” is future tense; it’s about something that hasn’t yet happened.

With this in mind, it seems to me that this simple phrase, contained in these verses of the Bible, contains a promise with a condition attached. I think it means that, if we trust and keep on trusting (in the present), then we will not be disappointed (in the future).

It doesn’t mean that the potential for disappointment will disappear the moment we start trusting God. I actually think it’s more about the fact that, when we face the potential for disappointment, we have to make a decision. We can either choose to be disappointed – or we can choose to trust God, no matter what the circumstances are dictating, no matter how we are feeling, no matter what we are thinking.

I know which I’d rather choose – and it’s something I’ve been practising these past few weeks.

Each time I face a fresh potential disappointment, I’m praying a simple prayer: “Lord, I forgive the person who has let me down / cancelled our plans / dashed my hopes. I choose to trust you in this situation. I refuse to be disappointed.

What I’m noticing is that trust and disappointment are opposites, in the same way that faith and fear are opposites, and they can’t operate at the same time. It’s as if trust is the pre-condition for not being disappointed. But it’s not based on emotions. It’s an act of the will.

Every time I make a conscious choice to trust God and not be disappointed, it tests me. But the more I do it, the more I can testify that, “Those who trust in the Lord will not be disappointed”.


If you are dealing with disappointment today, perhaps it’s time to ask yourself: How are my levels of trust in God? Have I allowed disappointment to rob me of my trust in God and his goodness?

If you are not currently dealing with disappointment, perhaps it’s time to decide, in advance: How am I going to deal with disappointment the next time it comes knocking? How am I going to respond? What am I going to do?

Either way, are you trusting God to turn the disappointments in your life around?

As ever, constructive comments would be welcome below.


Please note: This is my ‘thought for the month’ reflection for May. You can find all my ‘thought for the month’ reflections here.

Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay.  



  1. Jo, that’s so interesting to think about, thanks for sharing a fresh perspective. Especially to flip the verse around so that ‘those who don’t trust will be disappointed’ – that’s even more thought provoking. I know in recent disappointments that I’ve been through, it’s helped me to let go and move on more quickly, by telling myself that this is the Lords plan and to focus on trusting that, rather than dwelling on the sting of disappointment.

    • Joanna Watson Reply

      Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, Mary. Disappointment definitely leaves a sting, unless we’re intentional about choosing not to be, so it’s good to hear how this reflection has been thought-provoking for you.

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