
Many of us have been following the news from Australia with horror and heartache in recent months. Severe prolonged drought has combined with record-breaking temperatures to fuel huge wildfires, covering vast swathes of the country in a scale that seems almost impossible to comprehend.

It is the worst natural disaster in the nation’s history.

People around the world have been pleading with God to send rain – me included – and recent cooler conditions have brought some respite. But there are still many fires burning.

Meanwhile, millions of hectares of bush, forest and parkland have burned to the ground; thousands of homes and livelihoods have been destroyed; countless animals killed; and 28 people have lost their lives, including four firefighters.

In the midst of such death, devastation and destruction, where is God?

The answer, it seems, is that He is alive and well, and working lots of little miracles.

While we will never understand the mystery of why God has allowed these fires to happen, I’m sharing these stories because they give us glimpses of faith, hope, kindness, love and generosity in the midst of the tragedy.

From the impeccable timing of strangers coming to the rescue of people stranded by the fires, to miraculous changes in wind direction following impassioned pleading prayers, and from the inexplicable protection of properties surrounded by flames in every direction, to the fire that came to a halting stop at the foot of a huge wooden cross, some of these stories are barely believable and beyond rational explanation.

With this in mind, I encourage you to set aside some time to read or listen to these testimonies of protection, provision and survival, and be inspired.


Photo from Pixabay.



  1. Pingback: Miracles in the Midst of Mayhem - Joanna Watson

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