If you have been following my blog for a while, you will know how much I love hearing from my newsletter subscribers*, when they have a ‘light through…
Have you ever been stuck in a situation that feels too tough, too difficult, too insurmountable, even for God?Have you ever been praying about a situation for so…
Have you ever been asked, “Where were you when 9/11 happened?”I had just moved to a new city, to start a new job, in a new sector. I…
As I drive to the pharmacy, a deluge of rain starts lashing the car windscreen, the wipers sloshing their way through a full speed workout. I debate whether…
When life is so relentlessly fast-paced and future-facing, it’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed; it can be difficult to carve out time to rest, reflect and refocus.So…
I always find it fascinating, hearing from those who have read my book, “Light through the Cracks”.Frequently, I hear something along these lines: “Wow! If God has done…
I am shopping for groceries at the supermarket, heading towards payment, when I sense a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit: I need to join the small queue…
There have been several moments, during the last month, when I’ve felt overwhelmed by all the curve balls that life has been throwing at me.Whether it’s dealing with…
This past year has frequently felt like I’m speeding along a pair of parallel train tracks, with battles on one track and blessings on the other.I’ve been forced…
Just recently, I met up with an old friend, in a small market town, halfway between where we both live. Late in the morning, we headed down to…