Sometimes, when you’ve been friends with people for a while, you forget that not everybody knows their back story. But when it includes an incredible tale of God’s…
One of the things I love most about my monthly newsletter* is getting to know the lovely people who have chosen to subscribe to it because they enjoy…
I love it when I stumble across a ‘light through the cracks’ story in the lives of my friends – and this one is no exception.It comes from…
This story follows on from a story I recently shared on here – ‘Focusing on what matters most’ – which you will need to read first, if you…
I seem to have hit the age where I have to hold a book an elbow’s length away, in order for it to come into focus. Things that…
When I was a teenager, each summer used to see me attending a Christian venture, where about 100 of us, all aged from 14 to 18, would gather…
Every couple of months, the window cleaner will send me a text, telling me he’s going to turn up the following day, and asking me to leave access…