I love it when friends send me “light through the cracks” stories that they have stumbled upon, simply because they know how much I enjoy discovering them.

This one landed in my inbox just recently, and I knew I had to share it.

The story here is told by a man called Pete, who is a medical doctor and a church leader. He has seen God do extraordinary things in all aspects of life, and his faith has led him into all sorts of adventures.

When confronted by a patient with an obviously cancerous lump, Pete does not hesitate to respond.

The patient asks: “Could you do a miracle for me?”

“Sure!” comes Pete’s reply.

What followed next is recorded below. It will take less than five minutes of your time to watch.


If you are a Christian, how secure do you feel about your identity in Christ? When the patient asked Pete what he does for a living, he mentioned Jesus in his response. Would you have the same sort of confidence to mention your faith, if asked?

Also, are you aware that you carry the Holy Spirit around within you? Have you ever considered how God could pour his power through you, to bring healing to those who are seeking miracles?

What if a combination of compassion, courage, confidence in your Christian identity, and prayer in the name of Jesus, could be all God needed to change someone’s life for the better forever? Would you be up for it?

As ever, constructive comments are welcome below.


Pete has also written a book called, ‘Faith: Discovering and Using the Resources of Heaven‘, which you can find out about here.

Photo from David Underwood via Unsplash



  1. Mary Oakes Reply

    Wow that’s incredible! And so faith-building. Thanks for sharing that one Jo.

    • Joanna Watson Reply

      I’m so glad to read that this was your reaction, Mary. I thought similarly!

  2. Wow! What an incredible story. I love it and has made me think about how confident I am when I pray for people. xx

    • Joanna Watson Reply

      I hope your confidence increases, as you pray for people, Janet. I’m sure God will show up for them as you do so.

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