This past year has frequently felt like I’m speeding along a pair of parallel train tracks, with battles on one track and blessings on the other.

I’ve been forced to battle through some really tough times – but I’ve also been blessed by beauty and joy, kindness and thoughtfulness. I’ve been forced to contend with some unexpected curveballs – but I’ve also been blessed by incredible encouragement from all sorts of sources. I’ve been forced to assess and alter my priorities – but doing so has blessed me with open doors and opportunities that I could never have conceived if I hadn’t done so.

It would be easy to look back at the year that has ended – and chastise myself about all the things I didn’t manage to accomplish. But all that will do is leave me feeling deflated, disappointed and guilty.

So I have to choose to be merciful with myself, even when it feels hard.

It would also be easy to look ahead at the year that is coming – and rush headlong into it, full of big dreams, high hopes and unrealistic expectations, which I know I won’t be able to achieve. But all that will do is leave me feeling like I’m a failure before I’ve even begun.

So I have to choose to be gentle with myself, something I don’t find easy.

The reality is that life never really transitions neatly from one year to the next. Life’s parallel train tracks didn’t suddenly stop at midnight last night; the battles and blessings have continued and will continue.

But I have to choose how I frame them. (Maybe you do too.)

So here goes:

  • You made it through the last year, and you will make it through the one to come.
  • You are not on your own in the middle of the tough stuff.
  • You can find beauty and joy, kindness and thoughtfulness, if you take time to look around you.
  • You have people in your life who love you and want to encourage you.
  • Pushing open doors, and seizing opportunities, which are lying right in front of you, will make you braver than you feel.
  • Being merciful and gentle with yourself isn’t optional.
  • The world needs what you bring to it.
  • You matter.

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

(Isaiah 43: 1-2)

Happy New Year!

Photo from Joshua Burdick via Unsplash



  1. Mary Oakes Reply

    Those are brilliant reframings Jo! Thank you for sharing them and well done for being gentle with yourself. I also read something at new year which resonated with me; don’t set ambitious new goals for the new year in January when it’s cold and dark and your body naturally wants to hibernate. Wait for March, when there is more light, and the flowers start to bud and the temperature rises. That is a far more natural time to set yourself new challenges when you feel more positive and energetic. So until March, I am allowing myself a little hibernation time…

    • Joanna Watson Reply

      What a great suggestion! I love this idea of waiting until March to embrace new challenges – I might just have to join you in hibernating in the meantime.

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