Sometimes I stumble upon a lightthroughthecracks story that would be hard to make up if you tried.
One of those stories has recently been reported here and here.
It comes from Kenya – where it seems that a senior leader in the Association of Atheists in Kenya has resigned, one and a half years after joining the society.
The reason?
Seth Mahiga has had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ – which makes it no longer tenable for him to promote Atheism in Kenya.
Perhaps it was similar to the Apostle Paul’s dramatic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-9)?
Are you able to look at your life and say that you have had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ? It may have been quiet and understated, or bold and dramatic. Either way, take time to recall what happened.
And if you have never encountered Jesus Christ, why don’t you sign up for a course like Alpha, either online or at a church near you? You won’t regret it if you do.
Photo by Marion Wellmann from Pixabay