I love discovering the stories behind my favourite worship songs. So I was delighted to stumble across the story of how Bethel Music’s ‘Goodness of God’ came to be.

Worship leaders, Brian and Jenn Johnson, were raising their three children, when they sensed God saying that He wanted them to adopt. “I have this for you if you want it – like a gift,” they felt Him say. It was something they had always been open to, but had never actively pursued.

During the adoption process, while driving along a long country road, Jenn found herself singing to the Lord about His faithfulness, kindness and goodness. Her heart was overflowing, and she made a provisional recording on her phone.

Within a year, they had been matched with a wonderful baby boy. The day they brought him home to be part of their family was the day that Jenn refined and finalised the lyrics and music for the song.

“I’m so thankful for God being with me all my life – through everything I’ve been through,” she is recorded as saying. “’Goodness of God’ is an offering of praise back to the Lord: to express our desire to seek His face, feel His peace and hear His voice.”  

You can read more of the story behind the song here and here – and you can listen to the song here.


Life is full of trials, troubles and tribulations. When we face them, we have a choice: Will we anchor ourselves in the unchanging goodness of God. despite the circumstances?

For most of us, there is a battle over our hearts and minds. It’s a battle that wants to distort our perspective of God, and who we know Him to be.

Do we believe that God is good?

If we do, our belief in the goodness of God acts as a cornerstone, a foundation, for knowing and trusting Him deeply. But if we don’t, then the battle in our hearts and minds will cause us to question God, to accuse Him, to doubt His goodness.

The best way to grow our belief that God is good is to keep recalling testimony of His goodness. Start with the testimony of God’s people, as recorded in the Bible. Look back at the testimony of God’s people throughout history. Read the testimony stories on this blog. But also consider your own testimony.

In Psalm 119 verse 24, we read “Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.” 

Recalling the testimony of God’s goodness is a powerful practice. It brings delight. It generates wise counsel. It has the power to renew our minds.

If God has done it for others, perhaps He can do it for me,” we might rightly conclude.


If you are struggling to recall testimony of God’s goodness, take time to reflect. Ask yourself:

  • What can I see of God’s goodness in my present situation?
  • What can I hear Him say to me, which speaks to me of His goodness in my present situation?
  • What can I remember of God’s goodness from the past?

Celebrate what He brings to mind and start keeping a record. It’s never too late to begin a spiritual journal. That way, when you need to recall testimony of God’s goodness, you have a ready place to go to jog your memory.

What are your stories of God’s goodness? What are your suggestions for recalling it? Please share in the comments below.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash



  1. bettyboo76 Reply

    I love that song and now I love it even more because of that story you shared. Thanks Jo!

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