This is the date, twenty years ago, when I could have been killed or left permanently paralysed. It still fills me with awe and wonder that I’m here.
It was 1999. I was on holiday in California. We were visiting a national park. The sun had just set, when our car plunged into pitch black darkness, over the edge of a mountain road, down about fifty metres … before it crashed to a stop, flipped, and ended on its roof. Upside down and held in by my seatbelt, I had fractured my spine in two places.
Multiple ‘coincidences’ – or ‘God-incidences’ – followed. So did many months encased in a back brace. But I also had such a strong sense that God had saved my life for a purpose. Part of that purpose has been the past twenty years, which might not have been if the story had ended differently.
This is the date, every year, when I feel grateful to be alive and well and walking.
The full version of this story is one that features in my upcoming book! Please comment below if you’re interested in finding out more …
Photo by Grant Porter on Unsplash
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